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Brain Gym PowerPoint - Morning Activities KS2

Brain Gym PowerPoint - Morning Activities KS2

I created this PowerPoint of 47 Slides of different morning 'Brain Gym' activities. I put one of these up on the IWB at the beginning of everyday for the children to complete. They know to start as soon as they come in and they love discussing them and sharing their ideas. The brain gym PowerPoint is easily adapted and I often add to it each morning too,
Phonics Tracker and Assessment

Phonics Tracker and Assessment

These resources were created to enable us to track the children’s progress in phonics, from Reception - Year Three. It provides a comprehensive word document, which is highlighted each term to assess the children’s understanding from Phase 2 - 5 phonics, in both reading and writing. Along with this, the Excel document contains a tracker, which has specifically formulas that calculate the percentage of pupils secure in each phase, each term. Once you have assessed the children, use the drop-down option in each cell, to select one of the options to indicate when a child has achieved each skill, within each phase (see key for guidance). This will need to be completed in Autumn, Spring and Summer and will be passed onto the next class teacher at the end of the year. This is a working document which will continue with the class as they transition through school. The intention is to use this tracker to identify gaps, particular sounds or tricky words that the children are struggling with. There is a short set of instructions, however if you have any questions please get back to me in the reviews.